This morning, while watching Musky Rat-Kangaroos in our garden, we heard Sulphur-crested Cockatoos (Cacatua galerita) screeching quite differently from their normal calls.
We discovered a group of 5 birds in the large Kuranda Quandong tree behind our house, harassing a Lace Monitor (Varanus varius), who had been minding her/his business, only trying to warm up in the early morning sun.
The cockatoos were quite brazen, getting very close to the lizard, even pulling on its tail, which the poor lizard then curled up in front of it.
The cockatoos started snipping off twigs and branches close by, fortunately the goanna was sitting on a very sturdy branch. It didn’t show any aggression towards the annoying cockatoos, unless it was provoked. The reaction then was an inflated throat and a gaping mouth.
After about half an hour, the cockatoos flew away, and the lizard could finally relax.
As you can see, the tail with its long, narrow tip is unscathed, but you often see lizards with the tip missing. Brush turkeys also relentlessly attack them when they are on the ground, often biting into their tails. They have reason to scare off the lizards: goannas often raid nests and the Brush turkeys’ breeding mounds.
Do the cockatoos eat your quandongs?
We haven’t seen them eating quandongs.
We had a goanna in our yard and The cockatoos were swarming the goanna on the branch. They were cutting down branches around the goanna and picking at the goanna’s tail. After 2 hours of waiting for the goanna to leave it finally did and as it was leaving the yard the cockatoo was walking behind it with its wings up.
The cockatoos had a nest and they were trying to protect it from the goanna.