Frogs and Reptiles
Our creek and the thick moist layer of mulch in the forest provide a habitat for frogs all year round. From the tiny Ornate Nursery Frogs, that are “beeping” all over the forest, to the big Barred Frogs, with their deep croak, we have at least 12 frog species on our property.
Waterdragons (agame lizards) have their favourite spots along the creek. Boyd’s Forest Dragons are easiest seen when they are sleeping at night. During the day they have the habit of moving to the far side of “their” tree trunk, when one approaches them. And they often see you before you spot them!
The Northern Leaf-tailed Geckos emerge from their hiding places, often under loose bark, in the evenings and spend a lot of their time clinging to the tree trunk in an upside-down position. They rely on their excellent camouflage, and usually stay put, even if you get close.
Of course, we have a few monitor lizards, too, many small skinks and several species of snakes.
In the larger, deeper sections of the creek you may also spot a turtle or two.
The following list is not complete, but will give you an idea of what you may see around the Atherton Tablelands Birdwatchers’ Cabin:
FROGS AND REPTILES (observed on our property)
Family Lymnodynastidae
Striped Marsh Frog Lymnodynastes peronii
Ornate Burrowing Frog Platyplectrum ornatum
Family Myobatrachidae
Northern Barred Frog Mixophyes schevilli
Family Hylidae
Eastern Dwarf Tree Frog Litoria fallax
Common Green Tree Frog Litoria caerulea
Green-eyed Tree Frog Litoria serrata
Dainty Green Tree Frog Litoria gracilenta
Stony Creek Frog Litoria junguy
Red Tree Frog Litoria rubella
Orange-thighed Tree Frog Litoria xanthomera
Family Microhylidae
Southern Ornate Nursery Frog Cophixalus australis
Robust Whistling Frog Austrochaperina robusta
and also the introduced CaneToad Bufo marinus
Saw-shelled Turtle Elseya latisternum
Northern Leaf-tailed Gecko Saltuarius cornutus
Two-lined Dragon Diporiphora bilineata
Boyd’s Forest Dragon Hypsilurus boydii
Eastern Water Dragon Physignatus lesueurii
Shade Skink Saproscincus basiliscus Pink-tongued Skink Cyclodomorphus gerrardii
Spotted Tree Monitor Varanus scalaris
Lace Monitor Varanus varius
Carpet Python Morelia spilota
Common Tree Snake Dendrelaphis punctulata
Keelback Tropidonophis mairii
Northern Dwarf Crowned Snake – Cacophis churchilli
Yellow-faced Whipsnake Demansia psammophis
Small-eyed Snake Cryptophis nigrescens
Marsh Snake Hemiaspis signata
Red-bellied Black Snake Pseudechis porphyriacus
Rough-scaled Snake Tropidechis carinatus