New Pademelon Joey

One of our female Red-legged Pademelon’s pouch has been getting as big as they can recently, giving the impression that she is sitting on a gym ball.

female pademelon with big pouch

For a brief moment, the joey actually tumbled out, only to quickly make its way back into the safety of the pouch:

It is not so easy to fold those long legs back in!

baby pademelon in pouch

A few days later, the little one was much more confident, but still staying close to mum.

baby pademelon with mum and male
Around the time when the joey vacates the pouch, the males check out the female to find out whether she is ready to mate again.

When a joey first leaves the pouch, it often runs back and forth at full speed, jumping high and is full of energy and, as we think,  joie de vivre.

About the size of a large guinea pig, pademelon babies are very cute!

baby pademelon almost in pouch